Welcome to the Vic Park Seventh-day Adventist Church website! 

The Vic Park SDA church is a multicultural church located in the city of Victoria Park, Western Australia. Our passion as a church is to be a safe place where anyone can grow in their relationship with God.

As a church, there are three simple foundations that define why we are here. They are: 

  1. Sharing and trusting in the unfailing word of God.  At the Vic Park SDA Church, we love the Bible and its unfailing message of truth and hope for our world. This truth is the reason why we are here and we strive to both share its message, and learn to trust it more.

  2. Nurturing one another. Faith is not designed to be a solo experience. God calls us to gather together and strengthen one another. At Vic Park SDA Church, we strive to be a place where you can make life-long relationships that nurture your walk with God.

  3. Bringing hope to our community. Christianity isn't just about going to church. It's about so much more. God has called us to bring the hope of His love to everyone around us. At Vic ParkSDA Church, we aim to be not just a place of gathering but a place of hope for all.



Pastor Aymond lives with his Indigenous wife Nicky and with several of his children. He has worked all over this great state of WA, working with both Churches and Prisons. He enjoys working with his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. In 2013 Pr Aymond, his wife Nicky and their daughter Hannah retraced the footsteps of the Great Reformers like Luther, Calvin, Wesley Brothers, Huss, Tyndale, Whitfield, Wycliffe, it was a trip of a lifetime for all 3 of them.

Pr Aymond loves people and evangelism and is a big believer in prayer and the word of God. He loves to support his members in their visions for God. Every time he stands up at the pulpit, he knows that there is great power in Gods’ word.

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